The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members for evangelism. It motivates, unites and coordinates church members and other departments’ efforts in the Final Proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. The chief aim of the Personal Ministries Department is to enlist every member in active soul winning service for God.
Ministry Description (Ephesians 4: vs. 11 - 13)
Personal Ministries Leader
The Personal Ministries leader is elected by the church to lead in training and directing the church in active outreach (missionary) service and is chairperson of the Personal Ministries Council. The leader reports to the church, in the monthly Sabbath Personal Ministries Service day and in the church business meetings, the total outreach (missionary) activities of the church and the future outreach activities planned.
Some of the activities of Personal Ministries include:
- Free personal Bible Studies; such as the Voice of Prophecy Bible Courses
- Group Bible studies,
- DVD distribution, and other evangelistic materials.
- Door to Door witnessing
- Home visitation
- Literature distribution
- Friendship Evangelism
- Personal Bible studies
- Active Prayer Band
- Prison ministry